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CloudNatix CLI

cnatix recommendations workloads summary

Show the original and recommended resource request for each workload or namespace

cnatix recommendations workloads summary [flags]


      --cluster-name string   Name of target cluster
  -h, --help                  help for summary
      --kind string           Kind of target Kubernetes resource
      --name string           Name of target resource
      --namespace string      Namespace to show recommendation resources
      --only-downsizing       Displays only downsizing recommendaitons
      --output string         Displays mode. 'table', 'extend', or 'csv' (default "table")
      --show-hpa              Displays HPA metrics and recommendations

Options inherited from parent commands

      --global-controller-domain string   Domain name of the CloudNatix Global Controller
      --workspace string                  workspace directory (default is $HOME/.cnatix)


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