CLI User Guide
Organization and Resource Management
Technical Overview
CloudNatix enables users to organize their computing resources and analyze their cost and efficiency.
Basic Operations
List Organizations
Type the following command to list organizations.
cnatix iam orgs list
Create a new Organization
Type the following command to create a new organization.
cnatix iam orgs create \
--name "${ORG_NAME}" \
--parent-org-uuid ${ROOT_ORG_UUID} \
--description "${ORG_DESCRIPTION}"
The organization takes a hierarchical structure. --parent-org-uuid
specifies a parent organization of a newly created organization.
Delete an Organization
Type the following command to delete an organization.
cnatix iam orgs delete --uuid "${ORG_UUID}"
List Compute Instances (e.g., EC2 instances, Azure VMs)
Type the following command to list all computing resources and their organizations.
cnatix infrastructure compute instances list
Mapping Compute Instances to Organizations
Type the following command to map resources to organizations.
cnatix infrastructure compute instances convert create \
--kind org-allocation \
--target "${ORG_UUID}" \
--label-filters "${LABLE_FILTER}
For example, if you want to map the cluster of UUID cuuid-0000
to org of UUID ouuid-1000
, run the following:
cnatix infrastructure compute instances convert create \
--kind org-allocation \
--target ouuid-1000 \
--label-filters "cluster-uuid=cuuid-0000"
List Resource-to-Org Mapping Rules
Type the following command to list all created conversion rules:
cnatix infrastructure compute instances convert list
Delete a Resource-to-Org Mapping Rule
Type the following command to delete a specified conversion rule:
cnatix infrastructure compute instances convert delete --uuid "${RULE_UUID}"
Advanced Operations
Import CSP Organizations to CloudNatix
Type the following command to import organizations from CSP.
cnatix import --name "${CLUSTER_NAME}"