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CLI User Guide

Kubernetes Workload Rightsizing

Technical Overview

CloudNatix enables users to right-size their Kubernetes workloads.

Basic Operations

View Right-sizing recommendations

Type the following command to view recommendations for a specified cluster:

cnatix recommendations workloads summary --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME}

You can pass --kind, --namespace, and --name to filter out the output.

Apply the Recommendation (Manual Mode)

Type the following command to apply the recommendation to a workload:

cnatix recommendations workloads apply \
  --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --kind ${KIND} \
  --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
  --name ${NAME} \
  --container ${CONTAINER} \
  --cpu ${CPU} \
  --memory ${MEMORY}

Run the summary command again to verify that the mode is changed to MANUAL.

cnatix recommendations workloads summary \
  --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --kind ${KIND} \
  --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
  --name ${NAME}

Apply the Recommendation (Autopilot Mode)

Run the apply command without specifying --cpu, --memory, and --container.

cnatix recommendations workloads apply \
  --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --kind ${KIND} \
  --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
  --name ${NAME} \

The recommendations are applied to all containers in the workload.

Kubernetes Management
Organization and Resource Management