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CLI User Guide

Kubernetes Management

Technical Overview

CloudNatix enables users to access Kubernetes clusters securely with CloudNatix Secure Session Management. Also it provides federated namespace management.

Basic Operations

Access a Kubernetes Cluster

Type the following command to generate a kubeconfig:

cnatix clusters export-config --name "${CLUSTER_NAME}"

The kubeconfig is generated at the default location (~/.kube/config) or a location specified by envrionment vairable KUBECONFIG.

List Federated Namespaces

Type the following command to list federated namespaces managed by CloudNatix:

cnatix iam namespaces list

Create a New Federated Namespace

Type the following command to create a new namespace:

cnatix iam namespaces create \
  --name ${NAMESPACE_NAME} \
  --org "${ORG_NAME}"

The created namespace belongs to the specified organization. Users belonging to the organization or its ascendant organization can access the namespace.

Delete a Federated Namespace

Type the following command to delete a namespace:

cnatix iam namespaces delete --uuid "{NAMESPACE_UUID}"
Kubernetes Workload Rightsizing