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User Guide

Administration Guide

Administration Guide

Administration Overview

CloudNatix provides our tenants with an Administration Page that provides a powerful interface to manage all administrative entities.

Administration Organizations

What is CloudNatix Organizations

CloudNatix Organizations is a core part of managing all CloudNatix entities. With CloudNatix Organizations, you can group resources, namespaces, and their data and billing information as well as providing a medium for user authorization. CloudNatix Organizations is the centerpiece of organizing everything in CloudNatix.

What does this page show

Organizations that the active user is authorized to view. It will provide lots of important like the name, parent Organization, Organization Path from Root Organization, and more. If authorized to do so, the user can also do actions like create, edit, delete an Organization.

Expanded View

A singular CloudNatix Organization can be expanded to show even more details about itself.

Organization Overview

This provides more detailed information like, UUID, number of clusters, instances, namespaces under the organization, as well as spend and resource utilization information.

Organization Namespaces

Shows the namespaces that is DIRECTLY owned by the CloudNatix Organization. Actions like create and delete can be done here.

Organization Resources

Shows the resources that is under the Organization; this means any resources directly under the organization or any of that Organization's descendant Organizations will also be shown.

Administration Resources

What is CloudNatix Resources

CloudNatix Resources represents computational resources. We currently support types of:


But this is not to say that this will not be expanded to resources such as "STORAGE".

What does this page show

This will show resources that the active user is authorized to view, as well as important relative information such as type (currently COMPUTE_INSTANCE or CLUSTER), Org Owner, CSP, region, resource class (if applicable), and the capacity (we currently measure cpu, memory. disk). Resources can not be created on this page, since you will need to install the CloudNatix software on existing resources, or use our CLI to create a greenfield resource. If authorized to do so, the user can create Allocation Rules on this page. The main features of Allocation Rules is to filter resources and assign them to CloudNatix Organizations.

Administration Rules

What is CloudNatix Rules

CloudNatix Rules (also known as Allocation Rules) are filters that assign resources to CloudNatix Organizations. CloudNatix Rules will be applied by creation date and in a first match basis, for each COMPUTE_INSTANCE (currently only directly applies to COMPUTE_INSTANCE). A resource of type CLUSTER will have its org owner determined by its COMPUTE_INSTANCEs lowest common CloudNatix Organization.

What does this page show

This page shows allocation rules that the active user is authorized to view, as well as information such as name, Organization to assign to, filters, creation date. If authorized to do so, actions like edit, delete, create can be done here; if a user would like to create a new Allocation Rule, we recommend users to do this on the Administration Resources page, as you will have more visibility on the affects the newly created Allocation Rule will have.

Administration Users

What are CloudNatix Users

CloudNatix Users are simply user accounts of CloudNatix, usually tied to an Email, or a SSO.

What does this page show

It shows the users that the active user is authorized to view as well as basic information and Access Roles (also known as RoleBindings). If authorized to do, actions like, create, edit delete can be performed.

Administration Audit Logs

What are CloudNatix Audit Logs

CloudNatix Audit Logs are logs actions between a CloudNatix Actor and a target within the CloudNatix Tenant's ecosystem. Additional information can be found here.

What does this page show

Shows a table of CloudNatix Audit logs that the user is authorized to view, and provides details such as actor, data source, timestamp, target, target type, Action, HTTP response code, event name, and description.

Checking Kubernetes Deprecated APIs
Audit Log Guide