User Guide
Installing CloudNatix to Kubernetes Clusters
- Cluster Controller pods running in K8s clusters need to be able to send HTTPS requests to the Internet (e.g.,
- Support Kubernetes version 1.21 and above.
AKS only:
- Cluster Controller requires read-only access to Azure resources. To grant the role to Cluster Controller pods, either Azure Active Pod Identity or Azure Active Directory pod-managed identity needs to be configured. See Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C for the details.
EKS only:
- K8s Metrics Server needs to be installed. See Installing the Kubernetes Metrics Server for the installation procedure.
- The minimum K8s cluster size is 2
worker nodes. - IAM role for the cluster requires the
permission or theAmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess
policy. See Appendix D if the cluster is using IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA). If IRSA is not used and IMDSv2 is enabled, the hop-limit of PUT responses must be set to 2. See the AWS document for more details. Please note that changing the hop-limit is not allowed in the EKS Auto mode (issue).
GKE only:
- The
deployment in thecloudnatix
namespace needs to be associated with the service account that has a role ofKubernetes Engine Cluster Viewer
andCompute Viewer
. See Appendix E for the details.
OKE only:
Please use one of the following methods to grant cluster-watcher
deployment in the cloudnatix
namespace to access OCI resources:
- associate
deployment with an OCI user, See Appendix F for the details. - associate
deployment with an OCI workload identity policy, See Appendix G for the details.
KIND only:
- The minimum KIND cluster size is 1 node with 2 cores and 16GB.
Installation Procedure
This section describes the procedure for installing Cluster Controller to a target Kubernetes cluster. Cluster Controller components are deployed to the cloudnatix
namespace and connect to Global Controller to provide features such as workload visibility and optimization.
Step 1. Download the CLI
Please obtain the latest version of the CLI (cnatix) from either the CloudNatix web UI, or by following the instructions in Appendix K. Note that the download link expires in 1 hour. There's a button named "Install CLI" on the side menu bar. Select version 21.2
and channel stable
Step 2. Set up CSP credentials (for AKS, EKS and GKE)
Please set environment variables to be able to issue (readonly) API calls to CSP. It is necessary to obtain the configuration of K8s clusters during the installation process.
For AKS, run the following command to verify:
az aks list
For EKS, run the following command to verify:
aws eks list-clusters
For GKE, run the following command to verify:
gcloud container clusters list
For OCI, run the following command to verify:
oci ce cluster list --compartment-id <compartment-ocid>
Step 3. Set the current kubeconfig context
Please also set the context of the kubeconfig to an K8s cluster where Cluster Controller is installed.
For AKS, run the following command to generate a kubeconfig:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resource group> --name <cluster name>
For EKS, run the following command to generate a kubeconfig
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region <region> --name <cluster name>
For GKE, run the following command to generate a kubeconfig:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster name>
For OKE, run the following command to generate a kubeconfig:
oci ce cluster create-kubeconfig \
--cluster-id <your cluster OCID> \
--file <file path of kubeconfig> \
--region <region-name>
Step 4. Generate a YAML file and a Helm chart for installing Cluster Controller
First type cnatix login
to login CloudNatix.
$ cnatix login
Type cnatix clusters configure
and answer questions. When all questions are answered, a YAML file and a Helm chart for installing Cluster Controller is generated under ~/.cnatix/cluster-configs/<cluster-name>
Note: Currently, only the admin of the root org can run this command. Please contact CloudNatix if you want to delegate this operation to non-root-admin users.
$ cnatix clusters configure
Welcome! This command will guide you through configuring install parameters.
Initializing... done
? Use current context(my-cluster) to install? Yes
- configuring AKS my-cluster cluster...
? Choose CloudNatix distribution version: 21.2
? Choose CloudNatix channel: stable
? Enable CloudNatix components auto-upgrade? Yes
? Send Kubernetes container arguments and environment variables to global controller? Yes
Writing the configuration file... done
Successfully configured install parameters!
Please run ANY of the following command to install CloudNatix Cluster Controller:
[Use cnatix CLI]: cnatix clusters install --name=my-cluster
[Use YAML file ]: kubectl apply -f /home/user/.cnatix/cluster-configs/my-cluster/ccoperator.yaml
[Use Helm Chart]: helm install -n cloudnatix --create-namespace ccoperator /home/user/.cnatix/cluster-configs/my-cluster/ccoperator
Please set the distribution to 21.2
and the channel to stable
Note: Please note that this Helm chart includes a secret that contains an API key. If you want to avoid embedding the API key in the chart, please remove the following from the Helm chart:
Please see Appendix H for the details.
Note: We will install Prometheus Operator if the target cluster hasn’t it yet. If the target cluster already has Prometheus, we will not install an additional instance. You will see a message like below:
? Choose Prometheus to use for CloudNatix: [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> cloudnatix/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus - existing
cloudnatix/prometheus-operated - existing
Note: If you want to run Cluster Controller pods to specific nodes, please answer the following questions and set a target node label and/or a toleration.
? Input a node selector in key=value format: (end if empty)
? Input a toleration key: (end if empty)
Note: CloudNatix Cluster Controller sends the spec of Kubernetes resources to Global Controller to display the information in Dashboard. Please type n
to the following question if you want to remove commandline arguments or environment variables in spec information sent to Global Controller:
? Send Kubernetes container arguments and environment variables to global controller? [? for help] (y/n)
Note: For GKE clusters, the configure command has an additional question for configuring Workload Identity Federation.
Following is a sample prompt on setting up a user profile for CloudNatix Cluster Controller.
? Input service account:
See Appendix E for how to create the service account.
Note: For OKE clusters, the configure command has additional questions for configuring workload identity or user profile.
Following is a sample prompt on setting up a user profile for CloudNatix Cluster Controller.
? Use workload identity? No
? Use user OCID ocid1.user.**** for cloudnatix workload? No
? Input user configuration file path: <file path to the user configuration file>
? Input user profile name: DEFAULT
? Input the password if user private key is encrypted:
Following is a sample prompt on setting up workload identity for CloudNatix Cluster Controller.
? Use workload identity? Yes
Step 5. Apply the YAML file or install the Helm chart
Apply the generated YAML file by running kubectl apply -f
or install the Helm chart.
You will see pods created in the cloudnatix
$ kubectl get pods -n cloudnatix
authtokenrefresher-654654bfdb-q875k 1/1 Running 0 65s
ccoperator-6896f487c6-xqdrh 1/1 Running 0 87s
cluster-watcher-69ddbdb7d6-qd2xr 1/1 Running 0 54s
clusteragent-7bc457c548-449xh 1/1 Running 0 63s
connect-agent-69585c4995-dlq8s 2/2 Running 0 67s
infra-operator-7d7b768c7d-9lvm2 1/1 Running 0 49s
vpa-admission-controller-6489c786d7-24xcc 1/1 Running 0 56s
vpa-recommender-67f6f6f998-hgthh 1/1 Running 0 56s
vpa-updater-55496cc648-p48vj 1/1 Running 0 56s
The Workloads page will show a list of workloads in the cluster.
Uninstallation Procedure
Please type cnatix clusters uninstall --name <cluster-name>
When this command runs, the ccoperator
pod must be running as the pod orchestrates the uninstallation process (e.g., uninstall Cluster Controller components installed by ccoperator
, delete CRDs).
Please note that the context of the kubeconfig must not be set to the one that is generated by CloudNatix. If the context is set to the CloudNatix generated one, the uninstallation won't successfully complete (as k8s API server becomes unreachable from the uninstallation process in the middle of uninstallation).
Please avoid just deleting the cloudnatix
namespace as it will not unregister the cluster from Global Controller.
If you no longer have ccoperator
in your Kubernetes cluster or you have deleted the Kubernetes cluster, you can also run cnatix clusters unregister
to delete the cluster from CloudNatix dashboard.
Appendix A: Enabling Azure Active Directory Pod Identity
Please follow Getting Started to install AAD Pod Identity if you haven’t.
Here are example commands for the installation and role assignment.
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
export CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP=<resource group of the cluster>
export CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster name>
export KUBELET_IDENTITY_ID=$(az aks show -g ${CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${CLUSTER_NAME} --query identityProfile.kubeletidentity.clientId -o tsv)
export NODE_RESOURCE_GROUP="$(az aks show -g ${CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${CLUSTER_NAME} --query nodeResourceGroup -o tsv)"
export NODES_RESOURCE_ID=$(az group show -n ${NODE_RESOURCE_GROUP} -o tsv --query "id")
# Assign the roles to the Kubelet identity.
az role assignment create --role "Managed Identity Operator" --assignee ${KUBELET_IDENTITY_ID} --scope ${NODES_RESOURCE_ID}
az role assignment create --role "Virtual Machine Contributor" --assignee ${KUBELET_IDENTITY_ID} --scope ${NODES_RESOURCE_ID}
Then create a user-assigned identity and assign the Monitoring Reader
role to the identity.
Step 1. Create a new identity
export IDENTITY_NAME=<identity name>
export NODE_RESOURCE_GROUP="$(az aks show -g ${CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${CLUSTER_NAME} --query nodeResourceGroup -o tsv)"
az identity create -g ${NODE_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${IDENTITY_NAME}
Step 2. Create a new role assignment for read-only access
export IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID=$(az identity show -g ${NODE_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${IDENTITY_NAME} --query clientId -otsv)
export NODES_RESOURCE_ID=$(az group show -n ${NODE_RESOURCE_GROUP} -o tsv --query "id")
az role assignment create --role "Monitoring Reader" --assignee ${IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID} --scope ${NODES_RESOURCE_ID}
Appendix B: Enabling Azure Active Directory Pod-managed Identities (preview version)
Please follow Use Azure Active Directory pod-managed identities in Azure Kubernetes Service (Preview) and create a pod identity that has the "Monitoring Reader" role in the “cloudnatix” namespace.
Step 1. Register the EnablePodIdentityPreview
az feature register --name EnablePodIdentityPreview --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService
az provider register -n Microsoft.ContainerService
Step 2. Install the aks-preview Azure CLI
az extension add --name aks-preview
az extension update --name aks-preview
Step 3. Update an existing AKS cluster with Azure CNI to include pod-managed identity.
export AKS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP=<resource group name of your AKS cluster>
export AKS_CLUSTER_NAME=<your AKS cluster name>
az aks update -g ${AKS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${AKS_CLUSTER_NAME} --enable-pod-identity
Or create a new AKS cluster if you haven’t.
az group create --name ${AKS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP} --location eastus
az aks create -g ${AKS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${AKS_CLUSTER_NAME} --enable-pod-identity --network-plugin azure
A kubeconfig can be obtained by the following command:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group ${AKS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_CLUSTER_NAME}
Step 4. Create an identity
export IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP="myIdentityResourceGroup"
az group create --name ${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP} --location eastus
export IDENTITY_NAME="application-identity"
az identity create --resource-group ${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${IDENTITY_NAME}
export IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID="$(az identity show -g ${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${IDENTITY_NAME} --query clientId -otsv)"
export IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID="$(az identity show -g ${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${IDENTITY_NAME} --query id -otsv)"
Step 5. Assign a read-only role to the identity.
export NODE_GROUP=$(az aks show -g $AKS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP -n $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME --query nodeResourceGroup -o tsv)
export NODES_RESOURCE_ID=$(az group show -n $NODE_GROUP -o tsv --query "id")
az role assignment create --role "Monitoring Reader" --assignee "$IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID" --scope $NODES_RESOURCE_ID
Step 6. Create a pod identity in the “cloudnatix” namespace.
export POD_IDENTITY_NAME="cloudnatix-pod-identity"
export POD_IDENTITY_NAMESPACE="cloudnatix"
az aks pod-identity add --resource-group ${AKS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP} --cluster-name ${AKS_CLUSTER_NAME} --namespace ${POD_IDENTITY_NAMESPACE} --name ${POD_IDENTITY_NAME} --identity-resource-id ${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID}
Appendix C: Enabling Workload Identity in AKS
Please follow to enable workload identity and create a managed identity has the "Monitoring Reader" role for the cluster-watcher
service account in the cloudnatix
Step 1. Update an existing AKS cluster to enable workload identity
export AKS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP=<resource group name of your AKS cluster>
export AKS_CLUSTER_NAME=<your AKS cluster name>
az aks update -g "${AKS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP}" -n "${AKS_CLUSTER_NAME}" --enable-oidc-issuer --enable-workload-identity
Step 2. Create a managed identity
export IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP="myIdentityResourceGroup"
az group create --name ${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP} --location eastus
export IDENTITY_NAME="cloudnatix-cluster-watcher-identity"
az identity create --resource-group ${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${IDENTITY_NAME}
export IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID="$(az identity show -g ${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${IDENTITY_NAME} --query clientId -otsv)"
Step 3. Assign a read-only role to the identity.
export NODE_GROUP=$(az aks show -g $AKS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP -n $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME --query nodeResourceGroup -o tsv)
export NODES_RESOURCE_ID=$(az group show -n $NODE_GROUP -o tsv --query "id")
az role assignment create --role "Monitoring Reader" --assignee "$IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID" --scope $NODES_RESOURCE_ID
Step 4. Establish federated identity credential trust
export FEDERATED_IDENTITY_CREDENTIAL_NAME=cloudnatix-cluster-watcher-federated-identity
export AKS_OIDC_ISSUER="$(az aks show -g "${AKS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP}" -n "${AKS_CLUSTER_NAME}" --query "oidcIssuerProfile.issuerUrl" -o tsv)"
az identity federated-credential create \
--identity-name "${IDENTITY_NAME}" \
--resource-group "${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
--issuer "${AKS_OIDC_ISSUER}" \
--subject system:serviceaccount:"cloudnatix":"cluster-watcher" \
--audience api://AzureADTokenExchange
Appendix D: Setting up an IAM Role for the CloudNatix Service Account in EKS clusters
If a cluster uses IAM roles for service accounts, the ec2:Describe*
permission or the AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess
policy needs to given to the cluster-watcher
service account in the cloudnatix
Here is an example command for creating an IAM role and associating with the service account.
CLUSTER=<your cluster name>
eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--name cluster-watcher \
--namespace cloudnatix \
--cluster "${CLUSTER}" \
--role-name CloudNatixClusterController2 \
--attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess \
The service account created by the above command needs to be deleted so that CloudNatix will be able to create it later from its own Helm chart.
kubectl delete serviceaccount cluster-watcher -n cloudnatix
Appendix E: Enabling GKE Workload Identity and Configuring a service account
This section explains how to enable GKE Workload Identity Federation to give sufficient permissions to CloudNatix.
The following steps are based on the GKE guide "Authenticate to Google Cloud APIs from GKE workloads".
First, enable Workload Identity Federation for your cluster.
For Autopilot clusters, it's enabled by default.
For existing Standard clusters, type the following commands to enable it:
CLUSTER_NAME=<your cluster name>
PROJECT_ID=<your project ID>
gcloud container clusters update "${CLUSTER_NAME}" \
--region="${REGION}" \
NODE_POOL=<node pool>
gcloud container node-pools update "${NODE_POOL}" \
--cluster="${CLUSTER_NAME}" \
--region="${REGION}" \
Then, create a service account that grants the compute.viewer
role and the container.clusterViewer
role to cluster-watcher
in the cloudnatix
gcloud iam service-accounts create "${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding "${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}@${PROJECT_ID}" \
--role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
--member "serviceAccount:${PROJECT_ID}[cloudnatix/cluster-watcher]"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "${PROJECT_ID}" \
--member "serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}@${PROJECT_ID}" \
--role roles/compute.viewer
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "${PROJECT_ID}" \
--member "serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}@${PROJECT_ID}" \
--role roles/container.clusterViewer
Now, it's ready to install CloudNatix to the cluster. Please specify the service account cloudnatix@<Project ID>
when the cnatix clusters configure
command asks for.
Appendix F: Set up user profile in OCI
Step 1. Create a group
To create an OCI group, run the following command:
oci iam group create \
--description "Group for cloudnatix" \
--name "CloudNatix"
Step 2. Set up a policy
First create a policy file in json format, e.g.:
cat oci_global_cluster_watcher.json
"compartmentId": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..***",
"description": "Cloudnatix read-only policy",
"name": "CloudNatix",
"statements": [
"Allow group 'Default'/'CloudNatix' to read all-resources in tenancy"
Then create the policy by running the following command:
oci iam policy create \
--from-json file://oci_global_cluster_watcher.json
Step 3. Set up a user
To create an OCI user, run the following command:
oci iam user create \
--description "User for cloudnatix" \
--name "" \
--email ""
Then, add the user to the group created above by running the following command:
oci iam group add-user \
--group-id*** \
--user-id ocid1.user.oc1..***
You may also create the user, group and policy through OCI web portal.
Appendix G: Configure Workload Identity in OKE
OKE Enhanced clusters allow you to grant permissions with workload identity. The following is a sample policy, which allows CloudNatix Cluster Controller to have read-only access to OCI resources in OKE clusters.
$cat oci_statements.json
"compartmentId": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..****",
"description": "CloudNatix workload policy",
"name": "cloudnatix",
"statements": [
"Allow any-user to read all-resources in tenancy where all {request.principal.type = 'workload',request.principal.namespace = 'cloudnatix',request.principal.service_account = 'cluster-watcher'}"
$oci iam policy create --from-json file://oci_statements.json
Appendix H: Deploying a Cluster Controller Helm Chart via a CI/CD Pipeline
Suppose that we run cnatix clusters configure
and generate a Helm chart for cluster my-cluster
. The Helm chart is generated under ~/.cnatix/cluster-configs/my-cluster/ccoperator
├── ccoperator
│ ├── Chart.yaml
│ ├── templates
│ │ ├── base.yaml
│ │ └── secrets.yaml
│ └── values.yaml
├── ...
Please see Appendix I for what each of the fields in the Helm values means.
Please take the following steps when checking in a Helm chat to a repository:
- Remove
- Remove
These contain secrets that shouldn’t be checked into a repository. The following is the content of secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
.dockerconfigjson: {{ .Values.dockerconfigjson }}
kind: Secret
labels: cloudnatix
name: docker-pull-secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
labels: cloudnatix
name: {{ .Release.Name }}-secret
api-key: {{ .Values.apiKey }}
type: Opaque
The former secret is to pull Docker images. The latter secret is to create a JWT token embedded in API calls to Global Controller. The two secrets still need to be created in a target cluster. The actual way to create the secrets depends on a customer (e.g., helm-secrets, Hashicorp Vault).
When configuring a CI/CD pipeline for multiple clusters, the generated template files can be reused for the clusters. Only values.yaml
needs to be updated.
The chart is also available at Here is an example command to pull the chart.
helm repo add cloudnatix
helm repo update
helm pull cloudnatix/ccoperator
Appendix I: Helm Values Definition
This section describes the definitions of the Helm values.
These values specify the secrets used to make API calls to CloudNatix as well as pull docker image.
apiKey: ""
dockerconfigjson: ""
The value for apiKey
is obtained with cnatix iam users get-apikey
The value for dockerconfigjson
is obtained with the following command:
API_KEY=<Your API key>
cat << EOF | base64 --wrap=0
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": "${API_KEY}"
Please see Appendix H if you don't want to check-in these values in source code repositories.
Per-Cluster Configuration
These values specify per-cluster configuration.
clusterName: ""
csp: ""
orgUuid: ""
region: ""
vpcId: ""
accountId: ""
iamRole: ""
iamExternalId: ""
subscriptionId: ""
location: ""
resourceGroup: ""
clusterResourceGroup: ""
vnetName: ""
podIdentityName: ""
resourceId: ""
clientId: ""
projectId: ""
region: ""
zone: ""
serviceAccount: ""
datacenter: ""
network: ""
username: ""
clusterOcid: ""
compartmentOcid: ""
fingerprint: ""
region: ""
tenancyName: ""
tenancyOcid: ""
userOcid: ""
userPrivateKey: ""
useWorkloadIdentity: false
is the name of the Kubernetes cluster.
is the UUID of the org where the cluster belongs. If it is empty, the cluster belongs to the root org.
is set to one of aws
, azure
, gcp
, oci
, or baremetal
. For each CSP, additional parameters need to be set.
and aws.iamExternalId
must be set if the cluster enables IAM roles for service accounts. Please see Appendix D for the details.
CCOperator and Component Versions
These values specify the CCOperator version and the installation parameters for the components installed by CCOperator.
ccOperatorVersion: (e.g., "0.293.0")
distributionVersion: "21.2"
channelName: stable
autoUpgrade: true
componentSpecs: {}
isPrometheusInstallSkipped: false
isVpaPreinstalled: false
specifies the CCOperator
version. Please see Release Notes for the latest available version.
and channelName
control the components versions. 21.2
and stable
are the default values to be set.
controls whether all components are automatically updated or not. componentSpecs
specifies individual component versions. Please visit this page for details.
is set to true
if CloudNatix should not install Prometheus. This is set to true
when the cluster already has Prometheus or K8s Metrics API is used for metrics collection.
is set to true
if CloudNatix should not install VPA.
Metrics Collection Configuration
These values specify how CloudNatix Cluster Controller collects performance metrics from K8s clusters.
useK8sMetrics: false
prometheusUrl: ""
isKubeSystemManaged: false
We currently support two ways to collect performance metrics: Prometheus and K8s Metrics API.
- To use K8s Metrics API, set
. - To use Prometheus installed by CloudNatix, set
and setprometheusUrl
to an empty string. - To use Prometheus that already exists in the cluster, set
and setprometheusUrl
to the URL of the existing Prometheus instance.
is set to true
when the kube-system
namespace of the cluster is managed by CSP and CloudNatix is not able to access (e.g., GKE autopilot clusters).
Other Miscellaneous Configuration
These values specify other miscellaneous configuration.
scrubSensitiveData: false
bindClusterAdminRole: true
clusterOwnerRole: ""
prometheusRemoteWriteDomain: ""
reportToDatadog: ""
is set to true
if container arguments and environment variables are dropped when CloudNatix Cluster Controller sends workload metadata information to Global Controller.
is set when Prometheus metrics are sent to a Grafana instance managed by CloudNatix. An example value is api.monitoring.<tenant-name>
is set to none
to disable Datadog integration. Please see the Datadog integration page for details.
Please see Appendix J for bindClusterAdminRole
and clusterOwnerRole
Additional Specs for Deployments and Pods
These values specify additional specs added to deployments and pods.
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
deployment: {}
podTemplate: {}
and tolerations
specify node selectors and tolerations that are added to the CCOperator
pods and other pods created by CCOperator
and podTemplate
are used to specify additional labels and annotations that are set to the deployments and pods. Here is an example values:
- key: value
- key: value
- key: value
- key: value
The finalizers
controls the behavior of uninstallation. If set, the ccoperator
pod deletes all resources created by CloudNatix when CloudNatix is uninstalled from the cluster.
Parameters for Internal Use
These parameters control the internal mechanism of ccoperator
and experimental features. These do not need to be changed.
healthUpdateInterval: 1m0s
installLoopInterval: 1m0s
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
cnatixInstallMode: FullAccess
componentsVersions: {}
Appendix J: Installing CloudNatix without Binding the cluster-admin
By default the ccoperator
deployment and clusteragent
deployment have the cluster-admin
role. This is necessary to give the cluster-admin
role to cluster-owner org admins who access Kubernetes clusters with CloudNatix Secure Sessions.
If you do not want to bind the cluster-admin
role to the deployments, please set the following in the values.yaml
bindClusterAdminRole: false
clusterOwnerRole: (admin|edit|view)
controls the role that is given to cluster-owner org admins.
Appendix K: Installing the CloudNatix CLI without login
We typically suggest using the CloudNatix web UI to download the CLI, but you can also do it without direct access to the UI. To perform this installation you will need JQ. If you do not already have it you can find the download link from the project github.
After JQ is installed, run the following commands to download the CLI and install it:
For Linux:
curl "" -G \
--data-urlencode "name=cli" \
--data-urlencode "distribution_version=21.2" \
--data-urlencode "channel=stable" \
--data-urlencode "os_arch=linux-amd64" \
| jq '.downloadUrl' --raw-output \
| xargs curl --output cnatix
sudo mv cnatix /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cnatix
For macOS:
curl "" -G \
--data-urlencode "name=cli" \
--data-urlencode "distribution_version=21.2" \
--data-urlencode "channel=stable" \
--data-urlencode "os_arch=darwin-amd64" \
| jq '.downloadUrl' --raw-output \
| xargs curl --output cnatix
sudo mv cnatix /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cnatix