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CloudNatix CLI

cnatix infrastructure compute instances convert create

Create a new conversion rule.


This command creates a new conversion rule.

cnatix infrastructure compute instances convert create [flags]


      --dryrun                   In dryrun, conversion rule and related resources are not created in database.
  -h, --help                     help for create
  -l, --label-filters strings    Label KV pairs to filter by. Each pair is of the form 'key=value'.
  -n, --name string              The name of the conversion rule.
  -t, --target-org-uuid string   Org UUID of the Org that filtered resources will be converted to.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --global-controller-domain string   Domain name of the CloudNatix Global Controller
      --workspace string                  workspace directory (default is $HOME/.cnatix)


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